About Me.

I'm a software engineer who's always loved tinkering with technology, science and math since I was a kid.. Currently working on Jam Start 🎵

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Programmer with a deep fascination with the world of Math, Physics and Computers.

Due to my deep fascination with Programming and Machine Learning, I went on a deep dive into studying the Mathematical foundations of ML (Linear Algebra, MV Calculus), Web Development and Software Engineering.

I also love tinkering with music and learning languages (Japanese in particular). A huge majority of my personal programming projects are rooted in my love for music and languages.

Long Version

I've always been fascinated by technology even before I even knew what programming was. My fascination with technology started as a kid who always loved tinkering with computers, including editing HTML and CSS files and little shell scripts.

My first encouter with programming happened with my first undergraduate degree in Computer Science where I learned the basics of the C Programming Language, and I've been fascinated by the ability to program inanimate objects since. It was also at the time that I took up university-level statistics and calculus.

Even as an undergraduate student in Architecture, my love for programming has always followed me to the point where I studied Python on my own, and even devled deep into an emerging field of architecture called Computational Design, an interdisciplinary field that combines Architecture, Design and Computer Science.

In addition to being fascinated by programming during my undergraduate years, what even fascinated me more was the rapidly growing field of Machine Learning. I remember tenaciously following developments in the field by following developments happening with the best AI companies in the world like DeepMind and OpenAI. I still vividly remember being so fascinated by the developments from OpenAI at a time when I was still a Python beginner, and even more fascinated when they showcased their AI (OpenAI Five) as capable of playing one of the most complex esports in Dota2.

At around 2017, 3Blue1Brown released his seminal series on the mathematics behind deep learning and neural networks. It has since then been a very strong impetus for me for taking programming even more seriously that I already have. I remember being so impressed with the idea that something as simple as perceptrons, when combined, can model almost anything we can imagine. I've always been equally fascinated by the fact that the overall effect of a neural network is that it basically acts as a universal function approximator - meaning theoretically that if you can represent anything as input that a machine can understand, then a neural network can be designed to approximate the function that generates the input that the neural network takes.

After coming across that series on deep learning and neural networks, for the first time, I found out that AI/Machine Learning involved some of the most fascinating topics I have ever come across - Programming, Neuroscience, Multivariable calculus and Linear Algebra.

Fast forward to this day, I have successfuly studied the foundations of Software Engineering(or as Machine Learning Engineers would call them - Software 1.0). I have since become confident due to a combination of me having studied complex programming topics, and due to having sufficient knowledge on the foundations of ML(Python, Calculus, Linear Algebra) that I am now ready to take the next stage of my life - studying Machine Learning, aka, Software 2.0

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