Relevant Experience


MEngg in Artificial Intelligence

University of the Philippines Diliman

Currently studying Artificial Intellgience and Machine Learning.


Full-stack Software Engineer

90 Design Studio

Currently employed as the sole programmer of my first company. I am currently in charge of creating a full-stack web app that provides some form of automation in the form of a data pipeline that connects a 3D modeling software to Google Sheets.


Sole Developer

Jam Start

A full-stack SaaS web app built using ReactJS/NextJS which I initially built for personal use due to the lack of music theory applications that combine music theory resources with integration with Spotify (in particular, Spotify playlists). Since then, I have been developing the app with the aim of making it available for public use in a few months after beta testing.


Architecture Licensure Exam

Passed the June 2019 Architecture Licensure Examination.


Architect | Computational Designer

90 Design Studio

Architectural work mostly involving visual programming tools like Dynamo for Revit and Grasshopper3D for Rhino.

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